english / deutsch
© 2008 / Impressum

Public Space, Public Interface, Public Knowledge

The intersectional map / graz08 consists of a sociological study and two interfaces through those, the study gained knowledge, can be experienced by users/passants.

Webinterface in the Private Space
From November 2008 on, this site offers the possibility to explore the city of Graz in terms of gender, ethnicity, age and environment through a Web interface. Each of these four categories can be explored in order, which places for what groups of people in Graz are of importance. A graphic animation presents the data in a virtual map.

Installations in the Public Space
Four mobile, interactive media installations in shop windows of supermarkets, city libraries, shops and educational institutions act as instruments to navigate through the intersectional map.

In the shop windows are LCD screens, the study results can be explored by an animated data visualization. Users navigate through the virtual map, by touching directly the surface of windows. The public window becomes a public touch interface, the study knowledge becomes a potentially public knowledge.

At the shop windows are also cameras affixed, they do snapshots of the users of the installations. The 4 media installations are networked with each other. On the bottom of the screen displays a picture bar displays what people use the installations. A speaker system is mounted at the roadside, it supports the visuals by a sound scape, generated by the real sounds of the real locations.

The use of the installations produced a new location in the virtual map. In analogy to the use of the real urban areas by citizens, the everyday value of a location in the virtual map is determined by the intensity of its use.




Grazer Jugendstudie nutzt das intersectional map Interface zur Darstellung der Erschließung der Stadt durch Jugendliche.

intersectional map /graz08

>> 6min, Flash-Video       (english version)